So it’s been a while since I’ve posted, and I apologise deeply – but I have been pretty busy working some freelance, among other things…
Anyway, I was going to write an updates post but in favour of not hearing myself talk I thought I’d instead share a Strength & Power workout plan I wrote up for a friend recently. Coincidentally, the result of writing this plan – apart from hopefully it being followed – is that I ended up entering into a race to a 160kgx6 deadlift. Slightly regretting doing so after today’s deadlift session (at 110kg), and realising that to hit 160 by the deadline (in 2 months) – I’m going to have to increase the weight by 5kg pretty much every week. I’m going to stick to my current routine (aimed at the leanest muscle gain possible) and see if it’s doable, but I’ll be seriously impressed if I do get there.
Baby Rhino’s Routine
So, the routine!
My friend, who from here on shall be dubbed ‘Baby Rhino’, has been out the gym for a while (about 8 months I think) and is looking to get his strength back. He’s a naturally big guy anyway, and doesn’t have any problem growing when he’s training – so just to reiterate that this routine is aimed entirely for maximum strength/power gains in the shortest time possible.
The Workouts
Day 1 – Upper A
Bench – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (POWER)
Incline/Decline Bench – 2 sets 5 reps
Deadlift – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (POWER)
Weighted Chins – 2 sets 3-6 reps
Overhead Press (if you’re feeling brave), otherwise dumbbell shoulder press – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (STRENGTH)
Close-grip bench – 2 sets 4-6 reps
Tricep pulldowns (optional) – 2 sets 6-8 reps (probably best to avoid if you’ve done Overhead Press)
Day 2 – Rest
Day 3 – Lower A
Cleans – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (POWER)
Squats – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (POWER)
Leg Extensions – 2 sets 5-8 reps
Leg Curls – 2 sets 5-8 reps
Calf Raises – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (STRENGTH)
Barbell Curls/Hammer-curls – 2 sets 5-8 reps
Weighted Hanging Leg Raises/Weighted Window Wipers – 2 sets 5-8
Day 4 – Rest
Day 5 – Upper B
Bench – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (STRENGTH)
Weighted-Dips – 2 sets 5-8 reps
Seated Row – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (STRENGTH)
Weighted Chins – 2 sets 6-8 reps
Overhead Press (if you’re feeling brave), otherwise dumbbell shoulder press – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (STRENGTH) – recommend doing 4-6-8 for this session.
Close-grip bench – 2 sets 6-8 reps
Tricep pulldowns (optional) – 2 sets 6-8 reps (probably best to avoid if you’ve done Overhead Press)
Day 6 – Rest
Day 7 – Lower B
Squats – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (STRENGTH)
Leg Press – 2 sets 8-10 reps
Stiff-Legged Deadlift – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (STRENGTH)
Calf Raises – 3 sets Reverse Pyramid (STRENGTH)
Weighted Chins (closer-grip, roughly shoulder width – try to emphasize bicep pull, keep light) – 2 sets 6-10 reps
Barbell Curls/Hammer-curls – 2 sets 5-8 reps
Weighted Hanging Leg Raises/Weighted Window Wipers – 2 sets 6-10
Day 8 – Rest
The routine is an 8 day cycle, with 4 days on, 4 days off – Upper/Lower Split. Upper & Lower A workouts are more power, and B workouts are strength. Needless to say each workout is built around 1-2 big compounds.
I recommended calorie and carb cycling, with higher cals and carbs on workout days (article on this to follow shortly!).
For this routine I suggested Reverse Pyramid Training (RPT), as it’s my current favourite style and I also think it works hand in hand with strength routines really well – since it can be easier on the CNS than other routines, which is vital for quick recovery.
Reverse Pyramid Layout
A few words to differentiate between RPT (STRENGTH) and RPT (POWER);
Reverse Pyramid (POWER) – for an exercise, first set should be 2-3 reps – 100% effort, your absolute 2 or 3 rep max. You will increase the weight for this set as soon as you can hit 1-2 more reps.
second set – take 5-10% off 3 rep max, so there is enough weight you can do 4 reps, without hitting failure – do 3-4 reps.
third set – take another 5-10% off the weight, do 4-5 reps.
Reverse Pyramid (STRENGTH) – for an exercise, first set should be 4 reps – 100% effort, your absolute 4 rep max. You will increase the weight for this set as soon as you can hit 1-2 more reps.
second set – take roughly 10% off 3 rep max, so there is enough weight you can do 5 reps, without hitting failure – do 6 reps.
third set – take another 5-10% off the weight, do 6-8 reps.
General RPT rules:
- The most important thing is that only the first set should be done to failure, you should have 1-2 reps (aim for 1) left in the tank for your other 2 sets.
- Secondly, you should be trying to increase your first set weight whenever possible, roughly every 2-3 sessions. Second and third set weights can be increased whenever they get too easy.
To Note
By failure I am referring to concentric failure; meaning you can’t perform the positive part of the lift without your form going to pot.
I wouldn’t usually include cleans, as a personal preference, but it was requested to be added!
So that’s the article. Until I get around to creating a ‘guides’ section in the site (I will get there… eventually), this will live here! I will also make sure you get a few updates on my Baby Rhino’s progress along the way.. and may even create something website wise as an official tracker you can sign up to and join in with!
If you have any questions about the routine, please post them below and I’ll be sure to get back to you!
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