One of the things that irks me most, is when people aren’t open to change. Nothing infuriates me more than when someone has a stubborn view on something, where all the evidence in the world won’t make a blind bit of difference – they will not change their mind.
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Ever wondered what effect that ‘one drink’ is really going to have on your diet or exercise goals? Probably not.. but read what the science has to say on the subject anyway because you may be surprised by the results…
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The idea of whether eggs are good for you or not changes as often as the villain in a James Bond film. And when the opinion is on the negative side, it’s often made out that eating an egg could dispatch you even faster than said villain going up against 007 himself. So what should you believe? It doesn’t take a world class egotistical spy to solve this one, but I accepted the mission anyway…
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Just a quick one today, addressing a recent study into the effects of vitamin D supplementation!
It’s been touted as a super vitamin that can improve your physical performance, and barely anyone gets enough of it in their diet – so should you be supplementing yourself with vitamin D? The benefits are numerous, including skin health as well, as noted on this article at
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